MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
(main | readinglists | deleteentry)
- This module is internal or unstable. Its operation may change without notice.
- This module requires read rights.
- This module requires write rights.
- This module only accepts POST requests.
- Source: ReadingLists
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Delete a page from a list belonging to the current user.
- entry
Entry ID. Required unless doing batch deletion.
- Type: integer
- batch
Batch data for deleting multiple list entries in a single request, in the form of a JSON array with one or more objects with an entry field.
- Delete the list entry with ID 8.
- api.php?action=readinglists&command=deleteentry&entry=8&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]
- Delete multiple list entries.
- api.php?action=readinglists&command=deleteentry&batch=%5B%7B%22entry%22%3A8%7D%2C%7B%22entry%22%3A9%7D%5D&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]