
Data type

Commons media file


Q178659 (Deleted Item)
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Q478798 (Deleted Item)
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Q16742292 (Deleted Item)
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Q15907809 (Deleted Item)
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Q18610173 (Deleted Item)
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Q26935994 (Deleted Item)
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Q26940804 (Deleted Item)
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Q18608359 (Deleted Item)
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Q54275340 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
image filename with one of these extensions: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, svg, tif, tiff, gif, xcf, pdf, djvu, webp or stl (case insensitive) (English)
имя файла изображения с одним из этих расширений: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, svg, tif, tiff, gif, xcf, pdf, djvu, webp или stl (без учета регистра) (Russian)
arxiu d'imatge amb alguna de les següents extencions: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, svg, tif, tiff, gif, xcf, pdf, djvu, webp o stl (no distingeix majúscules/minúscules) (Catalan)
archivo de imagen con alguna de las siguientes extensiones: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, svg, tif, tiff, gif, xcf, pdf, djvu, webp o stl (no distingue mayúsculas) (Spanish)
arquivo de imaxe con algunha das seguintes extensións: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, svg, tif, tiff, gif, xcf, pdf, djvu, webp o stl (non distingue maiúsculas) (Galician)
nome del file immagine con una delle seguenti estensioni: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, svg, tif, tiff, gif, xcf, pdf, djvu, webp o stl (non distingue le maiuscole/minuscole) (Italian)
bilda dosiernomo kun unu el sekvaj dosiersufiksoj: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, svg, tif, tiff, gif, xcf, pdf, djvu, webp aŭ stl (usklecoblinda) (Esperanto)
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Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
(?i)((?!\b(1x1|none|image is needed|no free image|defaul?t\b|comic image missing|Grey30 line|Image-request|no portrait|no (female|free|male) portrait|replace this image|upload free image|No-station-image|Taxoimagem|No free image|no image|Insert image here|falta imagen|no imagen disponible|sin foto\.|NGC 000\.|missing image text|irudi gabe eraikina|image manquante|Oeuvre d'art soumise au droit d'auteur\.jpg|Bâtiment droit d'auteur|USGS map|within Bulgaria|P vip|no pic)\b).)*
Q74452 (Deleted Item)
Q9512 (Deleted Item)
Q11354 (Deleted Item)
Q39238 (Deleted Item)
Q305892 (Deleted Item)
The image you have chosen seems to be a placeholder image. (English)
0 references
Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
use instead "collage image" (P2716) (English)
utilisez plutôt P2716 (French)
используйте вместо P2716 (Russian)
usa la proprietà "collage immagini" (P2716) (Italian)
uzu econ "fotaro" (P2716) (Esperanto)
stattdessen "Fotocollage" (P2716) benutzen (German)
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Q21502838 (Deleted Item)
Q4167410 (Deleted Item)
Q4167836 (Deleted Item)
Q14204246 (Deleted Item)
Q13406463 (Deleted Item)
Q14334596 (Deleted Item)
Q5296 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
use "image of grave" (P1442) for images of graves on items for people. (English)
utilisez "image de la tombe" (P1442) pour les images de tombes ou sépultures concernant des éléments dédiés à des humains (Q5) (French)
usar "imaxe da tumba" (P1442) para as imaxes de tumbas ou sepulturas de elementos de persoas (Galician)
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Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
(?i)((?!\b(escut|blason|armoirie|brasão|escudo|plaque|arms of|(coa|arms)\.|герб)\b).)*
utilisez plutôt "image du blason" (P94) et "image de la plaque commémorative" (P1801) pour ces images. (French)
use "coat of arm" (P94) or "commemorative plaque image" (P1801) (English)
используйте P94 (изображение герба) или P1801 (изображение памятной доски) (Russian)
de ser o caso usar "imaxe do escudo de armas" (P94) ou "imaxe da praca conmemorativa"(P1801) (Galician)
utilitze millor "imatge de l'escut d'armes" (P94) o "imatge de la placa commemorativa" (P1801) per a aquestes imatges (Catalan)
použijte „obrázek erbu“ (P94) nebo „obrázek pamětní desky“ (P1801) (Czech)
Q6415020 (Deleted Item)
Q26604252 (Deleted Item)
Q181756 (Deleted Item)
Q14659 (Deleted Item)
Q3157091 (Deleted Item)
Q104123038 (Deleted Item)
Q143504 (Deleted Item)
Q4364339 (Deleted Item)
Q721747 (Deleted Item)
Q40072350 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
Q106390902 (Deleted Item)
Q109717625 (Deleted Item)
utilisez plutôt "carte de localisation" (P242). (French)
Please use "locator map" (P242) instead (English)
вместо этого используйте P242 (карта местонахождения) (Russian)
Es sollte „Lagekarte“ (P242) verwendet werden (German)
请改用P242(位置图图像) (Simplified Chinese)
0 references
Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
choisissez plutôt "carte de localisation" (P242) (French)
Please use "locator map" (P242) instead (English)
вместо этого используйте P242 (карта местонахождения) (Russian)
请改用P242(位置图图像) (Simplified Chinese)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
Please use "seal image" (P158) instead (English)
choisissez plutôt "image du sceau" (P158) (French)
вместо этого используйте P158 (печать/эмблема) (Russian)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
Q218091 (Deleted Item)
Q5503136 (Deleted Item)
Q2586715 (Deleted Item)
Q17004810 (Deleted Item)
Q336665 (Deleted Item)
Q30263 (Deleted Item)
Q27370 (Deleted Item)
Q26913 (Deleted Item)
Q466597 (Deleted Item)
Q593039 (Deleted Item)
Q4535 (Deleted Item)
Q928785 (Deleted Item)
Q215343 (Deleted Item)
Q186663 (Deleted Item)
Q7966 (Deleted Item)
Q1475577 (Deleted Item)
Q217189 (Deleted Item)
Q47701711 (Deleted Item)
Q214287 (Deleted Item)
Q30087611 (Deleted Item)
Q626023 (Deleted Item)
Q203208 (Deleted Item)
Q2548925 (Deleted Item)
Q1195660 (Deleted Item)
Q2442828 (Deleted Item)
Q20967694 (Deleted Item)
Q326239 (Deleted Item)
Q1502014 (Deleted Item)
Q832379 (Deleted Item)
Q1051110 (Deleted Item)
Q1403341 (Deleted Item)
Q25587 (Deleted Item)
Q302780 (Deleted Item)
Q3179900 (Deleted Item)
Q3159401 (Deleted Item)
Q571449 (Deleted Item)
Q92063131 (Deleted Item)
Q313166 (Deleted Item)
Q15138174 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
choisissez plutôt « image de la signature » (P109) (French)
Please use "signature image" (P109) instead (English)
вместо этого используйте P109 (изображение подписи) (Russian)
por favor escolla mello P109 (imaxe da sinatura" (Galician)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
Q155234 (Deleted Item)
Q287218 (Deleted Item)
Q27714177 (Deleted Item)
Q105702434 (Deleted Item)
Q1142562 (Deleted Item)
Q220849 (Deleted Item)
Q869548 (Deleted Item)
Q80858984 (Deleted Item)
Q741810 (Deleted Item)
Q3960359 (Deleted Item)
Q17019141 (Deleted Item)
Q7512804 (Deleted Item)
Q7512808 (Deleted Item)
Q98000654 (Deleted Item)
Q14338378 (Deleted Item)
Q7512811 (Deleted Item)
Q7512806 (Deleted Item)
Q109621185 (Deleted Item)
Q3483643 (Deleted Item)
Q1224829 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
choisissez plutôt "image du logo" (P154) (French)
please use "logo image" (P154) instead (English)
вместо этого используйте P154 (логотип) (Russian)
trieu millor «logotip» (P154) (Catalan)
escolla mellor P154 (logotipo) (Galician)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
The image you have chosen begins with "gthumb.", which indicates it is a placeholder image. (English)
A imaxe que escolleu comeza por "gthumb", que indica que é unha imaxe de aviso. (Galician)
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Q21510852 (Deleted Item)
Q21502408 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q53869507 (Deleted Item)
Q54828448 (Deleted Item)
Q54828449 (Deleted Item)
Q21502408 (Deleted Item)
In references, please use "reference image" (P10253). (inglese) (English)
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Q52004125 (Deleted Item)
Q29934200 (Deleted Item)
Q51885771 (Deleted Item)
Q54285715 (Deleted Item)
Q29934218 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
please use "schematic" (P5555) instead (English)
please use "schematic" (P5555) instead (English)
statt dieser Eigenschaft „schematische Darstellung“ (P5555) verwenden (German)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
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Q16742294 (Deleted Item)
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Q16742291 (Deleted Item)
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Images should be exemplary: representative, unambiguous, and high quality. Images for a single person or object should generally include only the focal subject. If relevant, also use more specific properties (e.g. coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image) (English)
0 references
Las imágenes deben ser representativas, inequívocas y de alta calidad. Las imágenes de una sola persona u objeto generalmente deben incluir solo el sujeto focal. (Spanish)
0 references
relevante afbeelding uit Wikimedia Commons van het onderwerp. Nimmer van iets dat gemaakt is door deze persoon, tenzij het een zelfportret betreft. Gebruik indien van toepassing altijd een specifiekere eigenschap, zoals: afbeelding van interieur, logo, plaatsnaambord, luchtfoto, liggingskaart, routekaart, detailkaart etc. (Dutch)
0 references
Obrázky by měly být reprezentativní, jednoznačné a kvalitní. Snímky osoby nebo předmětu by měly obecně zahrnovat pouze vlastní objekt. (Czech)
0 references
Obrazy powinny być: reprezentatywne, jednoznaczne i wysokiej jakości. Obrazy dla pojedynczej osoby lub obiektu powinny generalnie zawierać tylko główny temat. (Polish)
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matches https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Maria_Elena_Bottazzi_2020.jpg (English)
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Q23611840 (Deleted Item)
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Q24025284 (Deleted Item)
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