open days (P3025)

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days in the week subject item is open within the opening season
  • open on days
  • days open
  • opening days
Language Label Description Also known as
open days
days in the week subject item is open within the opening season
  • open on days
  • days open
  • opening days

Data type



Q24239898 (Deleted Item)
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Q19829914 (Deleted Item)
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Q6373 (Deleted Item)
Q26214163 (Deleted Item)
Q55811483 (Deleted Item)
Q55811883 (Deleted Item)
Q2150 (Deleted Item)
Q2912 (Deleted Item)
Q2705 (Deleted Item)
Q2745 (Deleted Item)
Q2761 (Deleted Item)
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Q21510865 (Deleted Item)
Q41825 (Deleted Item)
Q1445650 (Deleted Item)
Q99731370 (Deleted Item)
Q14795564 (Deleted Item)
Q30208840 (Deleted Item)
Q26214163 (Deleted Item)
Q1571749 (Deleted Item)
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Q21510856 (Deleted Item)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502838 (Deleted Item)
Q211391 (Deleted Item)
use Q99528581 instead as it is not culturally-dependent (English)
benutze besser Q99528581, da dies kulturunabhängig ist (German)
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Q53869507 (Deleted Item)
Q54828448 (Deleted Item)
Q54828449 (Deleted Item)
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Q52004125 (Deleted Item)
Q29934200 (Deleted Item)
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Q21510856 (Deleted Item)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
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Q21510851 (Deleted Item)
rarely is an entity fully open for an entire day; use qualifiers to specify for which hours, in which part of the year (including specific days such as holidays) and for what segment(s) of the public a given facility of the subject entity is or isn't open. (English)
0 references
Q21502838 (Deleted Item)
Use closed on (P3026) instead. (English)
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Q54554025 (Deleted Item)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
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0 references
Instead of creating statements for each individual day, use items that refer to day spans as much as possible, e.g. 'all weekdays' (Q26214163), 'Saturday and Sunday' (Q99528581), 'Monday to Saturday' (Q21282379) and so on. This makes the job of adding opening hours easier. (English)
0 references
Anstatt für jeden einzelnen Tag einen Satz von Angaben einzutragen, sollten Tagesbereiche, so lang wie möglich, wie z. B. "alle Wochentage" (Q26214163), "Samstag und Sonntag" (Q99528581), 'Montag bis Samstag' (Q21282379) und so weiter verwendet werden. Dies vereinfacht die Eingabe der Öffnungszeiten. (German)
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個々の曜日ごとに文を作成する代わりに、できるだけ'全曜日' (Q26214163), '土日' (Q99528581), '月曜日から土曜日' (Q21282379)など範囲を示す項目を使ってください。これにより営業時間(P8626,P8627)を追加する作業が楽になります。 (Japanese)
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Místo vytváření tvrzení pro každý jednotlivý den používejte položky, které co nejvíce odkazují na rozpětí dne, např. 'každý den' (Q26214163), 'sobota a neděle' (Q99528581), 'Q21282379' (Q21282379) a tak dále. Díky tomu je přidávání otevírací doby snazší. (Czech)
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En lugar de crear una declaración para cada día, usa elementos que se refieran a varios días, siempre que sea posible, por ejemplo: «sábado y domingo» (Q99528581), «de lunes a sábado» (Q21282379) y así. Esto hace añadir las horas de apertura más fácil. (Spanish)
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En lugar de crear unha declaración para cada día, usa elementos que se refiran a varios días, sempre que sexa posible, por exemplo: «sábado e domingo» (Q99528581), «de luns a sábado» (Q21282379) e así. Isto fai engadir as horas de apertura máis fácil. (Galician)
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