
Data type



Q35525 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q125761 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q31301023 (Deleted Item)
Q33506 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q31301023 (Deleted Item)
Q5283295 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q5116373 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q780825 (Deleted Item)
Q348308 (Deleted Item)
0 references
(?:(?:(?:\+|00|011)[\.\/\-\ \t]*([17]|2(?:[07]|[1-689]\d)|3(?:[0-4679]|[578]\d)|4(?:[013-9]|2\d)|5(?:[1-8]|[09]\d)|6(?:[0-6]|[789]\d)|8(?:[1246]|[035789]\d)|9(?:[0-58]|[679]\d))[\.\/\-\ \t]*|([17])[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:\((\d{1,6})\)[\.\/\-\ \t]*)?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(\d{0,10}?)(\d{1,4}+)(?:[\.\/\-;\ \t]*e?xt?[\.\/\-=\ \t]*(\d{1,14}))?)?
detect country codes, detect optional area codes in parentheses, extract all significant groups of digits, enforcing a split on the last group for its last 4 digits, detect and extract extension (English)
this regexp also parses non-international numbers (without explicit country code) and is not suitable for URI (English)
use RFC3966 format - e.g. +1-202-456-1414 https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber or one of its ports is convenient to do automated validation and formatting (English)
0 references
使用RFC3966格式,例如+1-202-456-1414 https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber或其移植可方便自动化检验与格式化 (Simplified Chinese)
0 references
specify only one number in value; add another property for each needed number, and specify their usage in a qualifier (English)
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0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
Q26986604 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
^(?:(?:(?:\+|00|011)[\.\/\-\ \t]*([17]|2(?:[07]|[1-689]\d)|3(?:[0-4679]|[578]\d)|4(?:[013-9]|2\d)|5(?:[1-8]|[09]\d)|6(?:[0-6]|[789]\d)|8(?:[1246]|[035789]\d)|9(?:[0-58]|[679]\d))[\.\/\-\ \t]*|([17])[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:\((\d{1,6})\)[\.\/\-\ \t]*)?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(\d{0,10}?)(\d{1,4}+)(?:[\.\/\-;\ \t]*e?xt?[\.\/\-=\ \t]*(\d{1,14}))?)?$
Q694554 (Deleted Item)
Q54554025 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q52004125 (Deleted Item)
Q29934200 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q21503250 (Deleted Item)
Q43229 (Deleted Item)
Q214995 (Deleted Item)
Q13226383 (Deleted Item)
Q56061 (Deleted Item)
Q11578774 (Deleted Item)
Q106668099 (Deleted Item)
Q464980 (Deleted Item)
Q288514 (Deleted Item)
Q132241 (Deleted Item)
Q14897293 (Deleted Item)
Q30208840 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q53869507 (Deleted Item)
Q54828448 (Deleted Item)
Q54828449 (Deleted Item)
0 references
0 references
Q214995 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q19847637 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q26935994 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q57955292 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q44601380 (Deleted Item)
0 references
0 references
0 references
strips out hypens and spaces (English)
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0 references
Q23611840 (Deleted Item)
0 references
0 references